Saturday, November 23, 2019

Treasure Island1 essays

Treasure Island1 essays The title of this book is Treasure Island. It is written by Robert Lewis Stevenson and takes place mainly on Treasure Island. There were many characters in this story but the most substantial were; Jim Hawkins the cabin boy/narrator; Long John Silver the captain; David Livesey the ships doctor; Pew the blind-beggar; and John Trelawney the owner of the ship. After the Captain had died from an overdose of Rum, Dr. Livesey looked through the Captains coat and there he found a book. Later Dr. Livesey, Jim, and the squire looked through the book the doctor had found, the doctor opened the seals with great care, and there fell out the map of an island. It had the latitude and longitude, soundings, names of hills, bays, and inlets, and every detail that would be needed to bring a ship to a safe anchorage upon the island. In three weeks time Hawkins shall come as cabin boy. You, Livesey, are ship's doctor; I am admiral. The ship was already bought and fitted. It lied at anchor, ready for sea. The two hundred-ton ship was named Hispaniola. They were ready to go treasure hunting. Well since they didnt have a Captain they had to find someone they knew was an experienced sailor-man, and above all, they could trust. So they told Jim where he could find a man of that caliber by the name of Long John Silver. When Jim reached his destination he looked around and found some one that he thought met the description of a sailor. He went up to the man and said, Long John? The man replied. It happened to be the person Jim was looking for. So Jim told him the plan about the treasure hunt. Long John wasnt too thrilled about the idea of treasure hunting (since he had had bad experiences treasure hunting), but he agreed to it any ways. The voyage was long but the crew proved them selfs worthy. As they steadily approached the island Jim was feeling sick, he said to himself ...

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